Top 500+ Computer Awareness MCQ Question

Top 500+ Computer Awareness MCQ Question pdf

Top 500+ Computer Awareness MCQ Question हेलो दोस्तों आज हम आपके लिए एक और नई पोस्ट लाए हैं जिसमें आपको टॉप कंप्यूटर के 500 से भी ज्यादा सवाल उपलब्ध कराए जाएंगे जो किसी न किसी प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा में जरूर पूछे ही जाते हैं कृपया इसे जरूर पढ़े और अपने दोस्तों के साथ भी शेयर करें


Ques. : 1 Which is considered a direct entry input device?
1) Optical scanner 2) Mouse
3) Light pen 4) Digitizer
5) All of the above. Ans.) 5

Ques. : 2 The daily processing of corrections to customer accounts best exemplifies the processing mode of:
1) Batch processing 2) Real-time processing
3) Interactive processing 4) Multi processing
5) All of the above. Ans.) 1

Ques. : 3 Which is a unit of measurement used with computer systems?
1) Byte 2) Kilobyte
3) Megabyte 4) Gigabyte
5) All of the above Ans.) 5

Ques. : 4 A character is represented in EBCDIC by
1) one bit 2) four bits
3) eight bits 4) sixteen bits
5) None of the above Ans.) 3

Ques. : 5 Which is a secondary memory device?
1) CPU 2) ALU
3) Floppy disk 4) Mouse
5) None of the above Ans.) 3

Ques. : 6 Which is the computer memory that does not forget?
1) ROM 2) RAM
3) PROM 4) All of the above
5) None of the above Ans.) 1

Ques. : 7 The most common binary code in use today is the 8 bit ASCII code. What do the letters ASCII stand for?
1) American Standard Code for International
2) American Standard Code for Information
3) American Standard Code for Intelligence
4) American Scientific Code for Information
5) None of the above Ans.) 2

Ques. : 8 A computer derives its basic strength from
1) Speed 2) Accuracy
3) Memory 4) all of the above
5) None of the above Ans.) 4
Ques. : 9 A collection of eight bits is called
1) Byte 2) Word
3) Record 4) file
5) None of the above Ans.) 1

Ques. : 10 A BIT represents a
1) Decimal digit 2) Octal digit
3) Binary digit 4) Hexadecimal digit
5) none of these Ans.) 3

Ques. : 11 Which can read data and convert them to a form that a computer can use?
1) Logic 2) Storage
3) Control 4) Input device
5) Output device Ans.) 4

Ques. : 12 Software instruction intended to satisfy a user’s specific processing needs are called
1) System software 2) A microcomputer
3) Documentation 4) Applications software
5) All of the above Ans.) 4

Ques. : 13 Which of the following is the most powerful type of computer?
1) Super micro 2) Super conductor
3) Microcomputer 4) Super computer
5) Mega frame Ans.) 4

Ques. : 14 Which of the following people probably has the least amount of technical knowledge?
1) Programmer 2) User
3) System analyst 4) Computer operator
5) Computer professional Ans.) 2

Ques. : 15 The Central Processing Unit(CPU) consists of:
1) Input, output and processing
2) Control unit, primary storage & secondary
3) Control unit, arithmetic-logic unit, primary
4) Control unit, processing, and primary storage
5) None of the above Ans.) 3

Ques. : 16 This is the part of the computer system that one can touch
1) hardware 2) data
3) software 4) input
5) None of these Ans.) 1

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Ques. : 17 Reusable optical storage will typically have the acronym ___.
1) CD 2) RW
3) DVD 4) ROM
5) None of these Ans.) 2

Ques. : 18 The __________ tells the computer how to use its components.
1) utility 2) network
3) operating system 4) application program
5) None of these Ans.) 3

Ques. : 19 A(n) __________ is a program that makes the computer easier to use.
1) application 2) utility
3) network 4) operating system
5) None of these Ans.) 2

Ques. : 20 The ‘Difference Analyzer’ was created in the early 1920s by __
1) Peter Norton 2) Douglas Knuth
3) Vannevar Bush 4) Alan Kay
5) None of these Ans.) 3

Ques. : 21 The most important or powerful computer in a typical network.
1) desktop 2) network client
3) network server 4) network station
5) None of these Ans.) 3

Ques. : 22 To access a mainframe or supercomputer, users often use a ___
1) terminal 2) node
3) desktop 4) handheld
5) None of these Ans.) 1

Ques. : 23 What data base function allows you to define the data your database is storing?
1) Definition wizard 2) Query Function
3) Design view 4) Data dictionary
5) None of these Ans.) 4

Ques. : 24 If you wanted to tell the database management system that a specific attribute contained numbers only, what
would you need to set?
1) Data category 2) Data type
3) Data dictionary 4) Data definition
5) None of these Ans.) 2

Ques. : 25 What key distinctly identifies a record in a database table?
1) Main key 2) Primary key
3) Principal key 4) Major key
5) None of these Ans.) 2

Ques. : 26 What key links records from one database table to a record or records in another database table?
1) Primary key 2) Principal key
3) Foreign key 4) Link key
5) None of these Ans.) 3

Ques. : 27 When you link one database table to another database table, what are you creating?
1) Primary link 2) Connectivity
3) Relationships 4) Referential integrity
5) None of these Ans.) 3

Ques. : 28 What would you need to establish if you wanted to insure that the key in one database table was the same as
a key in another database table?
1) Top-level grouping 2) Connectivity
3) Referential integrity 4) Field properties
5) None of these Ans.) 3

Ques. : 29 What database tool would you use to find answers to your questions about data stored in your database?
1) Queries 2) Tables
3) Show 4) Q&A
5) None of these Ans.) 1

Ques. : 30 When we describe, or define, the categories of information we collect in an Excel worksheet, what type of
table are we creating?
1) Categorization 2) Classification
3) Explanation 4) List definition
5) None of these Ans.) 4

Ques. : 31 If you wished to limit what you would see on an Excel worksheet, what data function would you use?
1) Sort 2) Filter
3) Conditional format 4) Data analysis
5) None of these Ans.) 2

Ques. : 32 If you wished to highlight, not hide, some information in a worksheet because it met some criteria, what Excel
tool would you use?
1) Table 2) Format
3) Conditional Format 4) Filter
5) None of these Ans.) 3

Ques. : 33 What Excel tool allows you to create quickly and automatically summary data from a large data set?
1) Conditional formatting 2) Sorting
3) Pivot tables 4) Field lists
5) None of these Ans.) 3

Ques. : 34 When creating a custom filer in Excel, which of the following would not be considered a Boolean operator?
1) If 2) And
3) Or 4) Not
5) None of these Ans.) 1

Ques. : 35 Which of the following is a good habit to get into when creating a worksheet?
1) Placing titles for columns in the first row of data
2) Using conditional formatting to spot spelling
3) Inserting comments in each cell to define that
data or type of data
4) Grouping records according to some
5) None of these Ans.) 1

Ques. : 36 What term is used to describe a collection of information that you can use to build reports or discover facts
about an environment?
1) Database 2) Web site
3) Wiki 4) Relation
5) None of these Ans.) 1

Ques. : 37 Microsoft’s Access and Corel’s Paradox are both examples of which type of software?
1) Network database systems 2) Relational database systems
3) Flat-file database systems 4) Hierarchical database systems
5) None of these Ans.) 2

Ques. : 38 What type of graphical model is used to define a database?
1) Flowchart 2) E-R diagram
3) Organizational model 4) Programming model
5) None of these Ans.) 2
Ques. : 39 After you develop a model for your database, you should then _____ it before building it.
1) normalize 2) design
3) plan 4) approve
5) None of these Ans.) 1

Ques. : 40 Which of the following contains information about the structure of a database?
1) Database management system 2) Data dictionary
3) Data repository 4) Data warehouse
5) None of these Ans.) 2

Ques. : 41 The rules of a language are called its __________.
1) structure 2) code
3) syntax 4) rigidity
5) None of these Ans.) 3

Ques. : 42 A language that can be written on one platform and executed on another platform is said to be __________.
1) portable 2) robust
3) third generation 4) dynamic
5) None of these Ans.) 1

Ques. : 43 __________ is Microsoft’s latest entry into the programming arena.
1) Java 2) .NET
3) Visual Basic 4) Pascal
5) None of these Ans.) 2

Ques. : 44 A next-generation Web content development language, __________ typically refers to a suite of technologies
that allow developers to store data in a readable format.
1) HTML 2) XSL
3) XML 4) PHP
5) None of these Ans.) 3

Ques. : 45 JavaScript was developed by __________ to run inside of web pages.
1) Microsoft 2) Sun
3) Oracle 4) Netscape
5) None of these Ans.) 4

Ques. : 46 This technology is used to convert XML into HTML.
3) PHP 4) XSL
5) None of these Ans.) 4

Ques. : 47 The __________ is a special database that holds information about the computer’s user, installed programs
and hardware devices.
1) dynamic link library 2) initialization file
3) compiled help module 4) Windows Registry
5) None of these Ans.) 4

Ques. : 48 A(n) __________ converts all the source code into machine code, creating an executable file.
1) linker 2) compiler
3) assembler 4) interpreter
5) None of these Ans.) 2

Ques. : 49 A series of steps that always results in an answer is the definition of __________.
1) heuristic 2) flowchart
3) algorithm 4) pseudo code
5) None of these Ans.) 3

Ques. : 50 The color of an object is an example of a(n) __________.
1) attribute 2) detail
3) listing 4) specification
5) None of these Ans.) 1

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