Top Infosys Interview Questions and Answers For 2023

Infosys Interview Questions and Answers For 2023

Infosys Interview Questions and Answers For 2023:-Infosys is the dream company of many aspiring engineering freshers. In this article, we cover the most important Infosys interview questions asked in the technical and HR interviews. Practicing these and similar questions will ensure your selection into the organization.

Top Infosys Interview Questions and Answers For 2023

Infosys Interview Questions:- Infosys is a coveted pick among job seekers in India. Founded in 1981, the company has cemented its place among the best information technology (IT) firms in the world. Naturally, landing a job at Infosys is nothing short of a prestigious achievement. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic creating an economic crisis in the country, IT companies in India have hired over 2.3 lakh fresh graduates in FY 2022 so far; with Infosys hiring over 41,000 of them. The numbers are only set to increase in 2023.

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Therefore, seeking employment at Infosys as a fresher in the coming months is an ideal play if you aim to have a jumpstart in your career. In this article, we will discuss the Infosys interview questions, interview rounds, and other requirements.

Infosys Recruitment Process

Interview Process


Generally, to apply for Infosys company, you need to be eligible in terms of their academic criteria. A minimum of 60% marks is a must in Class 10, Class 12, and graduation.The eligible candidates should then go through three rounds of the recruitment process of Infosys that includes:

  • Online Assessment Test
  • Technical Interview
  • HR Interview

For experienced candidates also, the recruitment process remains the same. But in the case of some critical roles, you may have to appear for two or more rounds of technical interviews followed by an HR interview.

Infosys Interview Questions 2023

Interview Rounds

1) Online Assessment Test:

Logical and Analytical Reasoning:

Quantitative Aptitude:

Verbal Ability:

2) Technical Interview:

3) HR Interview:

new9Infosys Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced

Questions and Answers on OOPs

1. What is an Object in OOPs?

Objects are runtime entities that have certain properties.

Take, for illustration, a bouquet of Lillies, Roses, and Tulips. Every flower has its unique qualities, such as various shapes, colours, and scents. This is just a collection of objects.

2. What is a Class in OOPS?

A class is a type of object that governs how it will act and what it will include. In other terms, it’s a blueprint or set of instructions for constructing a specific thing.

Let’s use the same example as before: a bouquet. The class is a bouquet, and the objects are the various varieties of flowers that make up the bouquet. As a result, we can define objects as instances of a class.

3. What are the basic OOPs principles?

The idea of real-world entities as objects is central to object-oriented programming. It binds data to the functions that operate on it, preventing any other section of the code from accessing the data except that function.

OOPs are based on four major principles:

  • Data encapsulation: This is when data and methods are combined into a single unit called a class. Data encapsulation supports the camouflage and or coverup of data or info from the outside world or entity.
  • Data abstraction: Data abstraction is the representation of important properties without their background details.
  • Inheritance: Inheritance is the process of transferring existing class properties to a new class. The existing class (parent class) is referred to as the base class, while the new derived class is referred to as the subclass (child class). It is beneficial to code reusability.
  • Polymorphism: Polymorphism states to an object’s ability to take on several forms. Method overloading is used to provide compile-time polymorphism in Java, whereas method overriding is used to accomplish run-time polymorphism.

4. Can we implement multiple inheritances in Java?

Multiple inheritances are not explicitly supported by Java. With the use of an interface, we may achieve multiple inheritances. Multiple interfaces can be incorporated into our programme.

5. How method overloading is different from method overriding?

Method overloading occurs when two methods have the same name but differ in the number of parameters or the type of arguments they accept. Compile-time polymorphism is what it’s called because it happens during the compilation process.

Method overriding refers to the ability to construct subclass and super-class methods with the same name and signatures, with the subclass method taking precedence over the super-class method. Run-time polymorphism is a type of polymorphism that occurs during the execution of a programme.

6. What is a constructor?

A constructor is a class’s special member function that is called automatically whenever a new instance of the class is created. It has the similar name as the class it goes to.

You get bonus points if you know this. If a programmer does not explicitly define a constructor in the code, the compiler creates one for them automatically. When a programmer constructs a function constructor, whether parameterized or non-parameterized, the compiler does not produce the default constructor.

7. What do you mean by access specifiers?

Outside of the class, access specifiers are used to defining how members (functions and variables) can be accessed. There are 3types of access specifiers: public, private, and protected.

  • private: Members who are defined as private are only available within the same class and cannot be accessed outside of that class.
  • public: Members who have declared themselves to be public can be accessed from anywhere.
  • protected: Members who have been designated as protected cannot be accessible from outside the class unless they are members of a child class. In the context of inheritance, this access specifier is important.

8. Explain pointers in C++

A pointer is a variable that carries the address of another variable of the same data type. Pointers may be constructed for any data type as well as user-defined data types such as class, structure, and so on. It enables variable passing through address references. For illustration:

int x = 25;
int *ptr = &x;
cout << ptr;

  • ptr will hold the address of x here. That example, the ptr value is the address of x.
  • We may get the value stored in the address addressed by ptr by using *ptr (i.e., 25). The *ptr operator is also known as the dereference operator.

Pointers have the following applications:

  • To point to a variable stored in memory.
  • Keeping track of the addresses of dynamically allocated memory chunks.

9. Give examples of data structures in C++.

There are 2types of data structures in C++, they are as follows: linear and nonlinear.

  • Linear – data elements are stored in sequence or arrangements. Instance, stack, queue, and linked list.
  • Non-linear – tree and graph that are not stored in a sequential or ordered manner.

10. What is inheritance? Name its types.

One of the most significant ideas of OOPs languages is inheritance. We may apply the properties of one class to another via inheritance. The idea of inheritance improves the programming language’s code reusability.

Various types of inheritance are:

  • Single inheritance
  • Multi-level inheritance
  • Hierarchical inheritance
  • Multiple inheritances
  • Hybrid inheritance
  • Multipath inheritance

11. What is the difference between array and pointer?

An array is a collection of comparable elements with the same data type, whereas a pointer is a variable that points to some data type in memory. Arrays can only contain components of the same data type, but pointers can link to any data type variable.

Questions and Answers on C, C++

List of interview questions

12. What is Preprocessor in C/C++?

Preprocessors are programmes that examine a piece of code before compiling it. Preprocessor programmes, which begin with the # symbol, give preprocessor directives that inform the compiler to preprocess the code before compiling.

13. Why do we use stdio. h in a program?

“Standard input-output” is abbreviated as “stdio.” As a result, #include is the same as including this standard input-output library in your code. You can use the IO functions accessible via printf and scanf in this fashion. It’s a pre-processor directive because it’s done before your code is processed.

14. What is a NULL pointer in C?

A NULL pointer is a pointer that does not refer to any address other than NULL. For instance, int *p=NULL;

15. What is a pointer on pointer?

It’s a type of pointer variable that can hold the address of another type of pointer variable. It refers to the data stored in the selected pointer variable twice. For example, int x = 5, *p=&x, **q=&p; As a result, **q can access ‘x’.

16. What is the difference between the local variables and global variables in C?

Local variable: A local variable is a variable that is declared within the scope of a function or block.

Global variable: A global variable is a variable that is declared inside or within a function or block.

17. What is the use of return 0?

The main function in most C and C++ applications is of type int, hence it should return an integer value. The application’s “Exit Status” is determined by the return value of the main function. As a result, return 0 is utilised to complete the programmes using the integer return type.

Question and Answers on DBMS and SQL

18. What is Database Management System?

A database management system (DBMS) is a piece of software that allows you to create and manage databases. The end-user can construct and maintain databases with the help of a database management system (DBMS). The database management system (DBMS) serves as a link between the end-user/application and the databases.

19. Enlist different advantages of DBMS.

Database Management System has a long number of benefits as stated below:

  • Improved data security
  • Improved data sharing
  • Better data integration
  • Minimized data inconsistency
  • Improved data access
  • Improved decision making
  • Increased end-user productivity

20. What do you mean by Object-Relational DBMS?

The object-relational database (ORD) is a database management system (DBMS) that combines both an object-oriented and a relational database (RDBMS). ORD’s schemas and query language enable the main components of an object-oriented database model, such as inheritance, classes, and objects.

An object-relational database management system is another name for an object-relational database (ORDBMS).

21. What is database Schema?

The integrity restrictions placed on a database are a set of formulas (sentences) called the database schema.

22. What are DDL and DML commands in SQL?

  • Data Definition Language (DDL) is a programming language that is used to define data. DDL instructions are used to define database schema, which is to say, to construct and alter the database object structure. CREATE, ALTER, DROP, TRUNCATE, and similar commands are examples.
  • Data Manipulation Language (DML) is a programming language that allows you to manipulate data. To manipulate the data in the database, DML commands are utilised. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are all examples of SQL commands.

23. Differentiate between TRUNCATE and DELETE commands in SQL.

It’s used to get rid of all the records in a database table.It is used to remove one or more records from a database table.
It’s a DDL command (Data Definition Language).It’s a command in the Data Manipulation Language (DML).
DELETE command is faster.When compared to the TRUNCATE command, this command is slower.
Because it only works on tables, it can’t be used for indexed views.It’s possible to use it with indexed views.

24. Why indexing in SQL is useful?

A SQL index is a quick lookup table that aids in the discovery of frequently searched records. An index is a type of database that is quick, compact, and designed for quick lookups. It’s handy for connecting relational tables, searching huge tables, and retrieving data from a database quickly.

25. What is the left outer join and the right outer join in SQL?

  • Left outer join: It returns the whole set of records from the left table, as well as the records from the right table that have been matched.
  • Right outer join: It returns the whole set of records from the right table, as well as the records from the left table that are matched.
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26. What is stored procedure?

A stored procedure is a logical unit for a set of statements that may be retrieved by programmes that use an RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). These are saved in the data dictionary of the database. It can be used for data validation as well as access control.

Questions and Answers on Computer Networks and Software Testing

27. Different between a session and a socket?

The Socket is made up of the IP address and the Port Number. The logical connection between the source and the destination is known as a session.

28. Difference between TCP and UDP?

Connection-orientated protocolConnectionless protocol
Segment sequencingNo sequencing
Acknowledge sequencingNo windowing and retransmission
Reliable transmission protocolUnreliable transmission protocol

29. What is SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)?

SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) is an end-to-end procedure that outlines the software development flow from requirements to maintenance and support. Requirements analysis, planning, definition, design, development, testing, deployment, maintenance, and support are the steps of the SDLC.

30. What are the disadvantages of the Waterfall model?

  • Only after the life cycle is working software developed.
  • Unsuitable for both complicated and object-oriented programmes.
  • Measuring development within each step is difficult.
  • Not recommended for projects with regular requirements that could result in a significant risk of change. As a result, this model carries a significant level of risk and uncertainty.
  • Because integration is completed at the end, it is impossible to discover any business or technology bottlenecks or issues early on.

31. Explain about Agile model.

  • Agile is a software development paradigm that uses an iterative approach to help teams offer value to their customers faster, with higher quality, fewer errors, and better flexibility in responding to change.
  • Rather than a “big bang” launch, an agile team releases a product in modest increments. Requirements, planning, and outcome evaluation are all done regularly, so teams have a built-in mechanism for responding quickly to change.
  • The most popular Agile techniques are Scrum and Kanban.
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32. What is DLL and EXE file extension?

The EXE file extension is used for executable files, and it identifies them as programmes. It is self-contained. An EXE establishes its memory and processing area.

A dynamic link library (DLL) is a collection of functions and procedures that can be used by other programmes. This DLL can be used by a variety of programmes. The caller application’s memory and process space will be shared.

33. Differentiate between white box and black box testing.

White box testingBlack box testing
The application’s internal workings will be completely understood by the tester.It is not required that you understand the application’s internal workings.
Developers and testers are in charge of it (QA).The end-user, as well as developers and testers, are responsible for it.
It takes longer and requires more effort.It takes a least and minimum of time and effort.
Test data and test cases will be created here by a tester.External or end-user testing is carried out.
Open box, structural testing, clear box, and code-based testing are all terms used to describe white box testing.Closed box, functional, data-driven testing are other terms for black-box testing.

34. Which is the most popular SDLC model?

The waterfall model is one of them. The other is AGILE, which is gaining popularity because of its continuous iteration process, which is less prone to faults in a production setting.


We hope you find this post on Infosys Interview Questions and Answers to be helpful in your preparation for the Infosys interview.

If a candidate is not chosen, Infosys will not enable him or her to apply again for the next six months, so give it your all, to pursue your dream job at Infosys. Remember that while no one can foretell what questions the interviewer will ask, preparation is essential for success in the Infosys interview process.

Top 10 Interview Questions

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